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Theology Conference

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Convening Jewish, Christian, and Muslim theologians to address the religious questions that increasingly divide and challenge our societies

Founded on the belief that every religious tradition may be challenged and enriched by the doctrines of another, the Institute’s Theology Conference is a forum for probing religious texts from a multiplicity of perspectives. This exploration leads to the construction of theological and ethical frameworks for religious pluralism that can be fulfilled in religiously diverse societies.


The Theology Conference has run for 30 years, bringing together top academics and theologians to discuss contemporary issues that exist at the intersection of religion and modernity. Going forward, SHI will convene cohorts of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian theologians in the early stages of their careers to study together and receive mentorship from senior scholars, including longtime participants of past SHI Theology Conferences.

The Theology Conference is supported by Barbro & Bernard Osher and other generous donors.

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