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lay leadership seminars

Inspiring Israeli influentials from the public and private sectors to engage the fundamental challenges facing Israeli society and the Jewish people  

Recognizing the growing need and desire for in-depth, nuanced discussion among key audiences in Israel, the Institute launched a new program to reach influentials in Israeli society. SHI’s lay leadership seminars inspire a diverse group of leaders across professional sectors to enrich their thought around key questions of Jewish identity and Israel's Jewish and democratic character, with classic and modern texts serving as springboards to address these critical topics. Senior Hartman faculty lead participants to explore matters of personal, communal, and national significance in an intimate setting that encourages candid conversation. 


In 2018-19, SHI ran several multi-part series in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and central Israel for nearly 200 senior government, business, and non-profit leaders, including company CEOs, directors-general of government offices and hospitals, influential journalists, and others. 

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Nimrod Goor

SHI Board Member; Tel Aviv Lay Leadership Seminar Fall 2018


“SHI has long had a deep presence in both Jerusalem and key cities in North America. The lay leadership salons represent a key turning point in spreading Hartman’s message to Israeli society in Tel Aviv and beyond. By working with lay leaders outside of Hartman’s regular sphere of influence to look to Jewish sources for insight into the current issues in Israeli society, Hartman is bringing values-based discourse to the Israeli public.”

11 Gedalyahu Alon Street, PO Box 8029
Jerusalem 9108001 Israel
    |    T: +972 2 567 5320

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Annual Report Project Manager: Anna Bronstein | Design: Studio Dov Abramson

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